Under the Bed Emergency Kit

This Under the Bed Emergency Kit is great for on the go trips. Containing all the necessary items you'll need in case of an emergency.
  • Keep under a bed or in a desk drawer
  • Contains: Duffel, Gloves, Flashlight, Lightsticks, Whistle, Prybar
Our Price: $27.98

Product Code: 20133


Whether or not you're already utilizing the space under your bed, this emergency grab bag is for you. If you reside in an area where earthquakes are common, this grab and go emergency bag is an absolute must-have. This affordable kit will fit neatly under your bed for quick and easy access in the event that disaster should strike in the middle of the night.

You can't control when emergencies occur, but you can prepare adequately for all scenarios. Store this kit under a bed for quick access.


1 Flashlight with “D” Batteries
1 (Pair)
Leather Palm Gloves
15" Pry Bar
12-Hour Green Light Sticks
Whistle with Lanyard

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